Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More RV Modifications...

My love affair with Peg...

Pegboard that is. My wife thinks I have issues with pegboard and perhaps she's right. I can't get enough of it. It ranks right up there with the invention of football and duct tape. It's easy to install and creates tons of organized storage. She can scoff all she wants now, I'll have the last laugh when she needs an adjustable wrench, or rubber mallet, or screwdriver, or 12mm wrench, or...

And here is a pic of the mounted fishing rod holder,

And one of the 5 bike rack,

And once again I have to wait. Having the camper pimped out like I want it is just painful when all I can do is wait for the house to sell. My dream will have to remain in its holding pattern a little while longer.


Liz McCoy said...

While driving down the road last weekend I saw an RV fully equipped with their bikes on the back and thought of you. instead of the rack coming out and the bikes hanging off the RV this was strips up the back and the bikes kind of "rode" on tracks tires to the RV.

I thought it was a really neat set up.

The Lundy 5 said...

a 12mm wrench? what is that and exactly why would i need one? but it is pretty, i'll give you that. that dang peg...